Wednesday, 27 April 2016

“Driver Licence Checks – just a compliance issue or actually much more than that?”

Clearly, it is important to make sure that your main fleet and grey fleet drivers are legally allowed to drive.  That much is obvious and demonstrated by the fact that most fleets now have a formal checking procedure in place.   

However, a licence check result can do much more than perform a simple compliance test.  Indeed, the results can be more meaningful when set alongside the results of other types of driver metrics such as a claims history, online driver assessments or indeed the most recent telematics data feed. 

Consider for a moment that a licence check can represent confirmation or denial of discovered driving habits, it can reinforce decisions about types of remedial action as well as prompt training needs such as speed awareness, mobile phone policy or familiarity with UK road signs. 

Ultimately, a licence check result may also uncover high risk endorsements that link with driver attitude and which may prompt the creation of a specific in-vehicle training course that contains material designed to address that particular type of risk. 

If a fleet uses licence check results in isolation then important improvement opportunities may be missed.  That means any remedial action taken (in good faith) may contain the wrong messages given to the wrong drivers, which will have no impact on reducing insurance costs or claim frequency.

Therefore if you would like more information on how to enhance your Licence Checking data, call us now on 01132248800 or e-mail us at

At RVM our integrated approach allows us to help fleets to implement effective safety policies, analyse trends and identify high risk drivers. Our Driver Training program is targeted, timely and appropriate. The result is lower accident rates, improved driver safety, and reduced costs


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