Of course,
we’ve all dabbled with risk, maybe had some success and yet, somehow, it’s
never really worked out as perfectly as we were originally promised! In fact, what looks so very fabulous from the
outside so often disappoints once the business partnership matures. (……we’re
still talking about fleet risk by the way!)
So success is
measured by whether the fleet perceives it is getting what it wants, but if
that doesn’t happen, is it the supplier or the fleet who is responsible? Is the shortfall in expectations due to a
failure in inter-departmental co-operation caused by the broad nature of the activities
that a fleet risk program should encompass?
Is it because
there’s so much accumulated driver risk data that neither internal departments
nor external suppliers can offer the vigilance required to keep on top of the
discovered unacceptable driving risks and take timely and appropriate action?
Is it because
the expectations of the fleet are mismatched with the service expectations of
the risk supplier so in reality the fleet thought the supplier would do certain
things, which the supplier didn’t think was within their remit?
Or is it simply
because, the chosen supplier (or suppliers) is not structured in such a way as
to properly deliver all aspects of the program due to inadequate knowledge,
systems or a desire to support the needs of the fleet in a proactive manner?
In truth,
managing fleet risk is still an evolving aspect of fleet management and for
some suppliers (such as insurance brokers and fleet leasing companies) it is
just a by-product of their core business. For other suppliers who specialise in
one element of risk, the demands upon them of supplying a ‘full’ spectrum risk program
is just too big.
Fleets are
definitely doing more than ‘flirting’ with risk reduction. Many are looking for suitable long-term partners
but, as also in life, it can be two-steps-forward-one-step-back process. Relationships with risk suppliers can be characterised
by broken promises, disagreements and meetings with alternative providers,
which can of course result in a parting of the waves.
By contrast
to all this, RVM Assist was designed from the outset with the kinds of
credentials that any self-respecting fleet would find irresistible! We think that to be attractive you need to stand
out from the crowd by displaying the kind of raw materials that could last a
lifetime such as integrity, originality, experience and of course, mutual
So, as a
specialist fleet risk supplier, the prospect of walking hand-in-hand with our
customers whilst developing goals and aspirations, represents the start of a
dream relationship that in our view holds the best chance of being long-term
and mutually fulfilling!
Why not contact us now or give us a call on 01132248800 for a date!
At RVM our integrated approach allows us to help fleets to implement effective safety policies, analyse trends and identify high risk drivers. Our Driver Training program is targeted, timely and appropriate. The result is lower accident rates, improved driver safety, and reduced costs
At RVM our integrated approach allows us to help fleets to implement effective safety policies, analyse trends and identify high risk drivers. Our Driver Training program is targeted, timely and appropriate. The result is lower accident rates, improved driver safety, and reduced costs