Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The accident season is here with three months of high risk

According to statistics we’ve gathered (over nearly 20 years of managing fleet accidents), your fleet drivers have a 20% increased chance of having an accident in the next 3 months compared to the rest of the year.
This begs the following three important questions:

  1. Which drivers are most likely to have a problem?
  2. Why do we know (for a fact) that those are the drivers most at risk?
  3. What can we do to minimise the likelihood of an incident occurring?
Our research also indicates that:

  • less than 20% of fleets use claims statistics when planning a driver training program
  • less than 50% of fleets that have Telematics actually use the data to help reduce accidents
  • less than 10% of fleets know whether drivers who had training went on the be involved in an accident

The truth is that implementing fleet risk tools is easy
but using risk data to reduce accident frequency is not.

If, like most fleets, you want to see results in terms of reduced accident costs (both insured and uninsured) and better safety for drivers, then the management of your fleet risk program needs time, systems and experience.

Talking the safety talk is easy if you know your onions whereas walking the safety walk is rather more difficult and many fleets are only just realising there are actually 2 stages to success in this area.

If you’d like the full story……and a happy ending then call RVM Assist on 0113 224 8800 or go to our website for more information,

At RVM our integrated approach allows us to help fleets to implement effective safety policies, analyse trends and identify high risk drivers. Our Driver Training program is targeted, timely and appropriate.  The result is lower accident rates, improved driver safety, and reduced costs